Friday, January 30, 2009

Message from Coach T

The 2009 season is here! In a few days we will begin our workouts to prepare for our first meet and I hope you are as excited as I am. The new coaching staff is in place and is ready to make this one of the best years that Elmer L. Meyers has ever seen. But it won’t come easy. One of the themes for this year (a carry over from last year) is, “Don’t Get Outworked”. Everyday that we slack or don’t get the best workout possible is a day when our opponents get a leg up on us. We have a tremendous reputation to uphold! But don’t let that scare you, let it motivate you!

There is some paper work that will need to be completed before you can start working out with the team. PLEASE get that back to me as soon as you can. Don’t be a slacker and wait for the last moment (Byron)!

Make sure you’re getting to class and you’re keeping your grades up. Those things are more important than any track meet you will ever have to compete in. If you need help, let me know. I probably won’t be able to answer your calculus questions but Coach Jones and Coach O’Day are both teachers who are excellent at their occupations.

Steadfast forever…Meyers High!

Coach T.

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Fitness Tips

Drink pickle and pineapple juices.The salt and vinegar in pickle juice can help muscles recover from sodium loss and decrease cramping. "If you're training on a hot day or doing intense activities, drink four to eight ounces of pickle juice 45 minutes and eight to 10 ounces of water 30 minutes before your session," says certified nutritionist and fitness trainer Majid Ali of the Healing Center in Culver City, Calif. "If your stomach can handle it, drink four to six ounces after or during your session to speed recovery." Pineapple juice can also reduce post-workout inflammation. "The bromelain [an enzyme] in pineapple juice removes lactic acid buildup in the muscles, which causes inflammation," he says. Ali recommends drinking six to 10 ounces, 30 minutes after training.